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Old 2nd June 2005, 01:15 PM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
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Originally Posted by Squirter
What I can't get my thick head around is that some 'Joe Blow' that nobody knows comes on here with the best bet of the year, and the mulitudes in their wisdom plonk their hard-earned on it....ya-know, they don't deserve a second thought....


Gday Squirter..

No plonking here, having said that I managed to lose on the race all the same..I gotta give the guy who posted the selection originally a lot of credit tho.. it does take balls to make a call like that... and I gotta say, I dont care how good anyone is at handicapping, we get it WRONG more often than we get it right, so good luck to the guy and more power to him I say..

As for those who jumped on without having a good look, it made the divvy for looming so much the better for those who backed it.. But that happens every day on the punt... Your enemy is not the bookie or the machine, but the other punter, and if they are willing to plonk on duds morer power to them. I am willing to take their money every now and backing things that are a better chance... I am only sour that I lost on that race
Good luck and good punting
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