Thread: Question for UB
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Old 17th June 2013, 04:19 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,496

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
Morning UB

Has to come to my attention that there are many ways to skin a cat in this game and the longer one sticks around, more workable systems seem to pop up to keep one busy. Sometimes from the most surprising of sources i.e. a bit like a bee flying from flower to flower... not the flower that counts but the pollen that flicks from the wings on the journey and helps to germinate new life(ideas?) along the way. And if my fading memory serves me correct, you have a plethora (portfolio?) of winning systems or ones that you track on a regular basis.

Question being...

How do you physically/mentally manage and monitor them, track their successes/failures and play the ones that continue to run hot.. assuming that this is what you are doing?

Also, how do you determine which ones to keep backing with hard earned, those to keep an eye on and which ones to put on the shelf??

With an ounce of luck, I am not barking up the wrong tree here or beckoning the wrong bumble bee!

Cheers LG


Yeah I do have a heap of systems. I monitor over a few hundred each and every day. A lot came from this forum but not all. A lot are also home grown and adjustments I have made to existing systems.

All of my analysis is done automatically and stored in a database. I couldn't do it any other way. Each and every day I download the form, the neurals, don scott ratings, other ratings, etc and each night I download results and then check the systems.

As far as which ones to use I got my criteria from a few of those who are long gone from this forum but the best advise I have ever seen is consistency. I want a profit each and every month for a system. I'll take 1 or 2 losing months in a 12 month run but 2 months with a small loss would be my limit. If its not consistent I am not confident in it and I won't bet/lay it.

I currently run only a very few select systems from the hundreds I have. Of the systems collected approx 24% of them show a profit. Of those only a few are consistent.

Automation is the key ... learn how to code its the best thing you could ever do for your punting.
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