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Old 20th April 2013, 10:50 AM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 755

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Thats still a 2% strike rate. If her last win was 400 races ago then perhaps its coming due eventually. If I was using these stats then I would steer clear of laying her until she had her win and then look if she was above her average and could therefore be layed again.
Now that she's had that win, I think I should be safe Laying any of her mounts for the next 69 races( her average). I agree with Speedy and his opinion of R&S, not that I'm into inplay betting/trading, but just combining Win % of horse, trainer & jockey and it's just that extra edge or reassusrance one needs. You see it all the time top of the polls Jock, Trainer & Horse and you've almost got a certainty to Back in a provincial race. Conversely for the Lay, you'll often see a top trainer with a so-so horse put the low Win % Jock on board probably to give the horse the excercise and Jock the experience. Then a race later same trainer puts the No. 1 Jock on board and you've got a winner.
Have a great day all, RP
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