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Old 11th July 2002, 01:04 PM
supersoul supersoul is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Perth
Posts: 36

Hi you guys
Just a comment or two...

Listen to yourselves! I am surprised you guys do not want to have it tested first for two thousand years to see if it makes a profit! Come on!

It is NOT PURE CHANCE- so the roulette comparison is really TOTALLY irrelevant! Even if he picks barriers it is not pure chance... if he picks it on stats.

I am sure you guys each has a much better selection system and make zillions from the bookies- this is the true reason the bookies are folding and the TAB is taking over, right? LOL!

I think you guys just prefer that warm fuzzy feeling which "tells" you "Fast One" is the horse which is going to win... How many of you guys make a profit or punt professionally? And if you do, would your your selection method stand up to the kind of scrutiny you suddenly want to impose here?

If you do not find a method which works for such a long time- nobody else can, eh?

Jeeeeez- the guy is at least not charging you $10,000 like some **********; at worst it is like paying any tipster, and he seems to be willing and able to stand up and be questioned in public on his results. AND I am sure he has some customers who are too busy making money to hang around forums trying to improve their strike rate, and NO costomers smearing his name on the "********" sites. AND I am sure some of the characters hanging around my local TAB could do worse than pay to have ANY kind of assistance in turning a profit...

Bert, you keep up the good work mate. What these guys really want is somebody who could remove ALL "chance" altogether from racing... then they'd probably want a free year or two to try it out too. Or have a mathematician proof it does not work, and therefore refuse to apply it themselves... LOL! But they are basically a good lot of sceptics- I have learnt a lot from this forum and will continue to do so.
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