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Old 10th April 2016, 12:05 PM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
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Originally Posted by michaelg
Yes, the method is to bet the lowest price fave according to the/any newspaper per venue. But today there is no sole lowest price fave at some venues. For example, at Port Augusta the lowest price fave in all the eight races is $3.00. I looked at a previous day where at a particular venue there were 5 selections, 3 won for a total TAB return of $5.10. I assume Neil would have said to delete any venue if there was more than one selection but as nothing was mentioned I decided to test it. Time will tell...

All good, i just wasn't sure by your post, so looking at the original rules there would be just 2 selections.
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