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Old 12th July 2015, 10:58 AM
walkermac walkermac is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 603

Originally Posted by beton
One point to note is that the normal way to get impact values is to group different factors together as "all in". Take distance for instance, 1200M at one race track is vastly different to 1200M at another. The position of the first turn or the length of straight makes a different style of race.
Similarly a 7 horse race is vastly different to a 15 horse race.
So you must group like with like which may not give enough races to make a true sample.

How about we choose one track at one distance, to produce communal ratings for? That way no-one's giving up much of their commercially proprietary - or individually hard-won, hand-scraped - data. No "keys to the kingdom" are being handed out. If, by some fluky chance, we were to produce something functional, it would likely only work well for this specific application. (And if it did work, it might be a good advertisement for these commercial products; along with providing a workthrough - to potential clients - on how best to utilise them).'d also be nice if the forum were invested/focussed on the same race. It'd be like a Melbourne Cup every week!

What about Toowoomba? Racing is on synthetic every Saturday night. R&S claims that there are usually 2 1200's per meeting (but doesn't have data for races beyond 1300m). I'm not sure anywhere else would have more frequent, year-round racing.
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