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Old 12th August 2013, 10:56 AM
Michal Michal is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,007
Default New Update

Hi All

We have just released a new update that, among other improvements, extends the Axis dividend pool to also include Betfair and a Fixed Price as available online. This opens up a whole lot of possibilities for our system testing and betting analysis and of course includes a Lay betting analysis that uses actual Betfair Prices so as to give a far more accurate guide to what the results of lay systems might be. The prices mentioned above have been back dated to the beginning of our data. The workload involved to get results for our 570,000+ past horse records was quite a task as you can imagine, however we felt that such data was very useful to have and and making it available 'onward only' would have been a job half done.

The main reason of my post today is to let you know that the update which contained all that work for us is still FREE. As is every Axis update. Once you purchase your Axis or licence extension at a certain subscription level; YOU WILL NEVER PAY FOR ANOTHER UPDATE AGAIN. Your ongoing investment is just your consumable data. The only time you'll pay more for the program is when you want to upgrade to a greater functionality.

This ensures 2 things. Firstly we don't penalise our loyal long term clients by making them pay and pay for program development over the years that they are with us, while only requiring new clients to purchase at current prices. Secondly this means that everyone pays the same to have the same functionality and data. If you start at a Classic level and upgrade to Professional, your program cost will be the same as a client who purchased professional version day one.

Our goal is to develop relationships with our clients and partners that are long term, successful, mutually profitable and fair.
Michal - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database;
with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate horse performance ratings for TAB meetings.
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