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Old 17th July 2013, 11:19 PM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,237

Hi Chrome.

Appreciate that your wisdom comes from years of watching, experience(genetics?) but I mistakenly assumed that the art of watching horses and knowing what to look for was a kind of black magic, invisible clues etc etc. Until now, that is.. will take practice of course but I think it might be hard to look at a horse from here without noticing some of the the various features you have pointed out. Particularly the movement of the legs, how this differs bt front and back.

Now, just got to get vision of the horses parading up on a screen here without it costing me an arm and leg. Any ideas are welcome!

Quality posting, considerable value plus generosity and not a whiff of ego or arrogance or 'hype' to go with it. I find that the message 'goes in' a lot quicker with this mix i.e. the shields come down and a clean exchange of information occurs.

So I thank for that and I look fwd to anything else you would like to share in this respect.

Cheers LG
The trick isn't finding profitable angles, it's finding ones you will bet through the ups and downs - UB
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