Thread: Systems Fear
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Old 28th February 2012, 07:12 AM
Posts: n/a

The horse market is a little like the stock exchange. New information is always coming to hand and the times change.

In order to make money betting on horses, you must either have information that is not being used by the betting public, or you must have a superior ability to process the information that is public

In reality long-term if you put many hours into the horses you can make 5-10% POT. Its the fun element that keeps us coming back otherwise you might as well buy an investment property.

The difference between success and failure is small. Therefore you need to continually work to maintain your edge and continually work to improve your performance.
Successful punters think in terms of chances., not fancies and certainties. They try to assess the true chance of a horse in a race and bet on the basis of their evaluations.

Good luck
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