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Old 2nd August 2011, 06:30 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,391
Default Calling Computer Buffs

Ok, I have 2 lap Tops and 3 desk tops all playing up one way or another, mostly old machines. I have $1000 available (gift cards) and want to buy a new machine.

I mainly use the comp for the Horse racing activities (3 screens) and e-mail, don't download movies or much of anything else though the kids probably would if they could.

A little advice as to what I should be looking at would be greatly appreciated,

at the same time I want to get rid of the USB type internet and probably go back to ADSL, so again any advice welcome. bearing in mind when it comes to comps "THRIFT" is very much in mind.
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