Thread: 3% Per day
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Old 2nd February 2008, 12:36 PM
Crackone Crackone is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 368

Originally Posted by thorns
Thats a nice start, although I know it was a pretty good run of favs, and eventually using just the favourite, it will fall over eventually, I have tried using that before. Have also tried it using the fav for a plcae, but again a bad run quickly spirals out of control. But it is all just a bit of fun for me at the moment, I know it is a pretty hard task in reality.
Yes it will fall over eventually with a run of outs, you would need a stop loss set up, say if you loss 5,6 or 10 in a row whatever figure suits the individal maybe a % of your bank stop betting for the day.

With the small bank the bets aren't going to get out of hand. I did stay away from the shorter priced one's. if the shorties fall over thats when the progressive betting can spiral out of control.( doubles the next bet)

Cheers and have some fun with it.
Will try again today, will report back.
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